Meet and Network With the Nation's Most Senior Property Executives
The Property Innovation Summit is the premier Property Insurance thought leadership conference, bringing together the most senior property executives from the nation's top carriers. Last year, over half of the country's top carriers attended the conference. Prior speakers have included industry leaders (current and former Chief Claims Officers/SVP Claims), innovators (renowned innovation experts, business transformation leaders, productivity gurus) and strategic analysts (JD Power, Forrester Research). We're building an amazing speaker line-up to make this year's session a high impact learning experience.
The Summit provides sponsors unparalleled access to key property decision makers through networking cocktail hours and dinners, exhibit space and category exclusivity (for platinum sponsors). Platinum sponsors will enjoy priority seating at our Tuesday plated dinner reception as well as the ability to address the entire audience during the summit. The attendees are exclusively senior property executives including CCOs, SVP Claims, VPs, AVPs, and Directors.
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